MCS Parents’ Association Draw – Raised over €20K in 2020/21

October 5, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians
It’s time to kick off our annual MCS PA Draw which runs from November to October each year!
As many of you know this is only primary fundraising activity, especially during COVID, where we have not been able to host the tradition in-person events. We are still unsure which events we will be able to host this school year, so the draw remains an incredibly important fundraising activity for the school.
All profits raised are donated directly to the school. We had over 250 people taking part in the draw last year, and we were able to donate over €20K to the school. 
There are only 300 tickets available for the draw for 2021/22 and it consists of 12 monthly draws, each month 3 cash prizes of €300, €200 and €100 can be won. All entrants are entered every month and this year many entrants win multiple prizes. The cost to enter remains €120 and you can pay on the MCS App – either the total cost upfront, or 10 instalments of €12. 

To sign-up to the draw, simply complete the digital consent form (found in the ‘Attention Please’ section of the news/notifications or in the ‘Consent form’ section of the app) before Friday 5th Nov. A payment will then be added to your app ‘shop’ during the week starting Nov 1st.
If you need to pay by cash, cheque or standing order, please print out the form (see attached), complete it and have your child return it along with your payment, to our PA Post Box located next to the school office.
If you’re signing up via the app there is no requirement to complete this paper form.
All winners are announced on the MCS App and our Facebook page.
If you are generously continuing an existing bank standing order, please email our dedicated draw email to let us know. 
As the first draw will be the November draw, please make sure have enrolled no later than Friday November 5th. Any questions, please contact to find out
Many thanks for your continued support for the students of MCS.
MCS Parents’ Association
