Dear Parents / Guardians,
Following on from the distribution of Minister Norma Foley’s letter last week, I am sending the following communication out to update the whole school community on our preparations for re-opening Malahide Community School. The safety of our students and staff is paramount. To this end, some of the measures we are proposing are as follows:
Firstly, the intention is to re-open as previously planned on the 27th August. As in previous years, the first few days will involve a combination of one or two year groups attending on staggered days with two to three staff meetings / training events. The Transition Years and the First Years will be brought in on the 27th / 28th August. Transition Years will meet their Year Head and the TY coordinator to select their subject modules for the year. We will communicate with students, Parents/Guardians regarding the time their son/daughter will attend. First Years will meet their Year Head and tutors and receive their induction from the Guidance Counsellors. Again, Parents/Guardians will be contacted with the times their son/daughter will attend. The Parents/Guardians and students of the remaining Year Groups will receive their opening week timetables also. This will involve two year groups attending per day, before we introduce the full student body (specific details to follow).
Secondly, a huge amount of work has been undertaken by the management team, teachers, office staff, caretakers, janitors and student volunteers over the last two weeks preparing the school for reopening. Rooms have been cleaned and disinfected and excess furniture is being removed. Sanitiser, dispensers and disinfection materials are being ordered for all classrooms. Signage, directional arrows, DES prepared safety posters etc. will be displayed prominently throughout the building and campus.
Thirdly, plans are being put in place for one way systems. Year Groups will be designated areas for break and lunch and they will be assigned separate toilet blocks. Where classes exceed the maximum number of students, a rota of students will be established to attend supervised remote learning spaces in Scoil Iosa Hall, the library and, if necessary, the canteen. Students will need to ensure they bring their iPads to school, fully charged, and that they have earphones, headphones, AirPods, etc. They will then be able to participate in their classes via live streaming.
In addition, we are also planning on introducing a one-way traffic system at drop off and pick up times. Whilst this is to be confirmed, I hope that Parents / Guardians would support us in the implementation of such a system. Where possible, students should arrange to walk or cycle to school. We will be in touch over the next few days regarding a uniform update, as we are waiting on further advice regarding the frequency of washing, etc.
Finally, all students will have to wear face coverings whenever 2m social distancing cannot be maintained, this will include on the corridors. Lockers will not be available for the time-being. Students will only be required to bring their iPad, one copy per subject and an A4 refill pad and folder each day. Students should use the eBooks on their iPads during this period. I would also, respectfully, request that students bring a ‘pack’ with them each day containing a small packet of wipes, a small tube of hand sanitiser, a packet of tissues and their face covering (preferably reusable).
All plans will be subject to review over the first few weeks and may need to be adapted at short notice.
As always, we are grateful for the support and cooperation we receive from you on a daily basis. Your child’s safety is of the utmost importance to us and all of our efforts will be to protect the whole school community.
Stay safe and stay well,
Dave Hayes