6th Year RE Talks

October 14, 2023

Dear Parents(s) and Guardian(s)

Further to our previous notification regarding our 6th Year RE Talks, please note the following:

The 6th Year Speakers this week will be Geraldine and Fr Paul, Travelling Community. 

They will talk about:  ‘Life as a member of the Travelling Community in Ireland’.

As mentioned previously, if any student would like clarification on any of our Speakers, or on any aspect of our ‘Ballygall Programme’, they are more than welcome to have a chat with their RE teacher in anvance of any Talk.

Please note that, as always, Talks are subject to change at late notice due to illness, etc. and we will try to bring in another Speaker in their place at short notice (even the day before), so that students do not miss out on a Talk.  In such instances, while we will endeavour do our best to do so, it may not always be possibe to advise Parents/Guardians of a change of Speakers at such short notice, and we apoologise in advance in case this occurs.

Thanks again to our RE Dept. for all of their hard work on behalf of our students.

Kind regards,