Junior Certificate

A new Junior Cycle commenced for all students in 2014. By September 2020, all new specifications will have commenced. Our new intake is assessed in January of their final year in primary school. The results of this assessment are used to create gender-balanced, mixed-ability core classes in first year. First years follow a curriculum which is divided into a mandatory set of core subjects and a set of optional subjects.

The core subjects are:

Irish, English, Maths, History, Science, Computers

Religious Education, CSPE (Civic, Social and Political Education)

Physical Education, SPHE (Social, Personal and Health Education)

First years study all of these subjects, unless exempt from Irish.


The optional subjects are:

Art, Business Studies, French, German, Spanish, Home Economics

Metalwork, Music, Technical Graphics, Woodwork, Technology, Geography

Students take three of these subjects to Junior Cycle. They have the opportunity to sample some of these subjects before making choices at October mid-term in first year.