Ethos & Vision

Malahide School Community school is a co-educational, multi-denominational post-primary school under the joint patronage of the Archdiocese of Dublin and Dublin Dún Laoghaire ETB.

Community Schools provide a comprehensive system of post-primary education open to all of the children of the local community. An innovative approach to delivery of a wide-ranging curriculum contributes to the spiritual, moral, mental, physical and social well-being of students within their community. Community Schools may also provide for life-long learning within their local community through the provision of Adult Education programmes.

Our school was established under the Deed of Trust and opened in 1976. In September 1953, Mrs Catherine Dowling set up the Stella Maris School – a secondary school for girls – in Malahide village, The school opened with 21 students at 1 Windsor Terrace, Malahide. In 1958, the Sisters of the Holy Infant Jesus (now known as the Infant Jesus Sisters) were asked by the Archbishop of Dublin to open a convent secondary school for girls at Broomfield, Malahide – the site of Malahide Community School today. The students from the Stella Maris School transferred up the hill to Broomfield and Scoil Íosa, a secondary school for girls, opened its doors for the first time to 17 female students. It was known fondly as The Holy Infant Jesus School. Mrs Dowling joined the staff and the girls’ green uniforms were gradually changed to blue uniforms instead. Scoil Íosa soon outgrew its surroundings, with a junior school opening in 1959. In September 1971, the students and staff moved from the convent into a brand new building, accommodating 300 students.

As the population of Malahide grew, coupled with the success of Scoil Íosa, so too did the numbers of students increase. In 1976, Scoil Íosa Convent Secondary School for Girls, joined the Community School system and became known as Pobalscoil Íosa, Malahide Community School. Sr Kathleen Day was its first Principal. The school was officially opened by Archbishop Ryan on the 18th May, 1977. The school population at that time was just over 500. Fortunately, some of the Sisters of the Infant Jesus continued to serve as members of staff and to administrate the school for over twenty years.

Since then, Malahide Community School has grown from strength to strength, and now has over 1,200 students. Staff and students are accommodated in a bespoke new building, which was erected on the grounds in February 2007, replacing the old Scoil Íosa building. Although the Sisters of the Infant Jesus no longer have a central role in the administration of the school, it is evident that their influence is still present through the traditions and values they established.

The values of Dublin Dún Laoghaire ETB as a multi-denominational State Body and the inherited traditions, Christian values and founding intentions of the Archdiocese of Dublin and the congregation of the Infant Jesus Sisters are enshrined in the characteristic spirit and in the life of our school and are respected and cherished.

The core values of Malahide Community School are care, respect, community, inclusion, equality, justice and fairness. These values combine to provide and support an atmosphere which is conducive to excellence in teaching and learning. We endeavour to assist each student to reach his / her full potential in a calm, caring and creative environment.

Our values are reflected in how we live as a school community. The unique and intrinsic value of each member of the school community is recognised and respected. All are treated equally, regardless of race, gender, religion/belief, age, family status, marital status, civil status, membership of the Traveller community, sexual orientation, ability, disability or socio-economic status. All students are given equal opportunity for enrolment, in line with the Education (Admissions to School) Act (2018) construed in accordance with section 3 of the Equal Status Act 2000. Once enrolled, our school provides all of our students with equal opportunities to engage with the curriculum, school life and the local community.

Malahide Community School provides a safe physical and social environment that reinforces a sense of belonging to the school community and wider society. We strive to enable every student to realise their full potential regardless of any aspect of their identity, culture or background. Our school promotes a fully inclusive education which recognises the plurality of identities, beliefs and values held by students, parents and staff. We prepare open-minded and responsible citizens with a strong sense of shared values with a view to contributing to a just and fairer society.

Our school is multi-denominational where we welcome, respect and support students of all religions and beliefs. The provision of Religious Education, religious worship and the work of the Chaplain all combine to reflect the founding intention of the school, the school’s mission statement and the needs of the students within the school. The Characteristic Spirit of the school finds practical expression through the provision of pastoral, liturgical and social outreach activities, as appropriate, for each student.

In Malahide Community School, we celebrate the partnership, collaboration and empathy which nurtures and develops our young people in a community where the essence of our ethos is care and respect for self, others and our environment.

School Vision

The vision of the School aspires to engage, inspire and enthuse learners. We are a school that believes in creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration in order to develop an understanding of the world. We encourage lifelong learning in order to prepare the whole School community for change and innovation as 21st century learners.

Student Voice

Students should find in our School an environment that promotes all types of abilities, talents and diversity. They should also find and develop the opportunities to make a positive contribution to their own education through their involvement and support for responsible and democratic processes and systems such as Student Voice, the Prefect system and the Student Council.

School Digital Vision

Digital learning in Malahide Community School supports the effective, responsible and appropriate use of digital technology to enhance the teaching and learning within the school environment. It supports collaboration between staff, students and parents to make the learners’ experience more engaging and to foster deep learning.

We promote whole school interaction with our Digital Learning Platform to encourage digital engagement by students and staff in order to embed greater digital literacy. We value the importance of understanding the impact of technology on society and actively promote responsible, respectful digital citizenship and self-management.

Malahide Community School has had a 1:1 student device programme since 2012 – This means that every student and teacher uses an iPad to support technology enhanced learning both in school and at home.