Cardiac Screening

January 23, 2023

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Advanced Medical Services (AMS) will be back in Malahide CS to carry out cardiac screening for students at the end of February 2023.

This will be the third time we have had AMS in school to provide this important service to our school community. They perform cardiac screening in schools & sports clubs nationwide, ultimately aimed at reducing the incidents of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).

Approximately 2 young people (under 35) die each week in Ireland from SADS. Research has shown that cardiac screening can significantly reduce the incidents of SADS.

If you would like to book an appointment for your son/daughter please complete a booking by Friday February 10th 2023.

1. Go to

2. Click on Online booking

3. . Enter clinic code: MCS or click

4. Complete registration

(Laya members can avail of the cardiac screening free of charge) 

The appointment time you receive will be provisional.

The actual time & date will be confirmed in due course.

Please read attached letter for more information
