Change of times for TY DATs

December 13, 2021

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),

There has been a change in the timetabling of the DATS exams taking place this week. Please see the change of day and classes below.

The Guidance Department will be administering The Differential Aptitude Tests (DATS) to TY students on Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th of December.

The assessment will run from 8.55 to 13:10 each day.

TY Students will be absent from Periods 1-4 on their allocated day

(Please see allocated days for each class below):

Students will return to class after lunch, as normal, for Periods 5&6.

Wednesday 15th December Period 1-4
Classes: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

Friday 17th December Period 1-4
Classes: 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

Kind regards,

The Guidance Dept.