Clothing Collection

March 11, 2024

A group of 6th Year Politics & Society students are undertaking a clothing collection project in school this week.

They will be accepting clothing donations to the school Library between 8.45 – 11am until Friday 15th March.

Their project is based on creating a campaign that supports sustainable developments and attempting to inform students on the importance of sustainability.

They will be raising funds using the donated clothing and these funds will be used to focus on improving the environment of the school by providing a compost bin or planting a wildflower meadow to protect bees. The development will depend on the amount of money raised but any improvements will guarantee a significant improvement to the schools sustainability.

Can we encourage you to go through your unwanted clothing at home and send in whatever you can to support this project.

Please see below for the list of items that will/will not be accepted.

Kind regards, MCS