For any student buying a new iPad this summer

June 22, 2022

Dear Parent / Guardian,

Just a general reminder that if you are planning on buying a new school iPad for your son/daughter over the summer months, this new device MUST be enrolled onto our School Management system – JAMF

This was installed on all iPads when purchased in 1st Year.
It allows us to remotely manage the content of the iPad, to ensure that only educational apps are installed and to allow the iPad to connect to our school wifi which is filtered by the PDST for inappropriate content.

This can be done by either buying the iPad directly from our technology partner (Wriggle) by phoning them on 015009060
OR by sending the new iPad to Wriggle to have the JAMF management profile installed and the student’s account transferred onto the new iPad – you will need to call Wriggle in advance to arrange this.

– Students receive tech support from Wriggle including the iPad clinics which operate during the school year and lots of background support which is not always apparent to students but which is vital to the smooth operation of the iPads used to support technology enhanced learning.
– Parents and students also have access to the Wriggle Connect platform which contains lots of short, bite sized training videos on the best uses of the iPad to enhance learning and manage screen time etc.

Only iPads with the JAMF management profile will be allowed for use during school to protect all students.

Kind regards