For Students


The educational experience at MCS is enhanced by the inclusion of the student voice. The Student Council is a body that represents all of the students in the school and which liaises with the staff and management on issues that affect students. It also organises events for students, such as Fun Days, Pride Weeks and the Open Forum. The Student Council operates from the Student Council office, located on the ground floor. When student opinions are heard and are taken into account, students experience better relationships with their teachers and an increased sense of belonging and connection to their school. This, in turn, impacts on student attainment and achievement.

The Student Council is the most effective way for students to get involved and voice their opinions in our school. Results of our survey have found that the majority of students surveyed did not feel they had a voice and were unaware of the role the Student Council plays in our school.

According to our school journal “The Student Council is a body that represents all students in the school and liaises with the staff and management on issues that affect the students. It also organises events for students, such as the Fun Day or the Open Forum. Each year group in entitled to elect 4 members and the Head Boy, Head Girl and their assistants are automatically members as well.”

Student Council meets every Tuesday at lunch to discuss issues that affect them in the school.


What has the Student Council achieved so far?

  • Organised Fun Days.
  • Holds annual Christmas ‘candy cane’ secret Santa presents.
  • Held an Open Forum where students’ views were heard.
  • Fundraised for a canteen with the Parent’s Association and the School.
  • Successfully lobbied to have the uniform changed (different coloured jumpers and no more ties).
  • Successfully lobbied to allow people to wear discreet makeup.
  • Successfully lobbied to allow boys to have long hair and beards.
  • Has regular discussions with the canteen staff regarding healthier food, themed days and pricing arrangements.
  • Held a successful Cluster Meeting with four local schools (meeting with other student councils).
  • Sent representatives to Comhairle Na nÓg (local youth council), Dáil Na nÓg (national youth parliament), ISSU (Irish Second level Student Union) and to the European Youth Parliament.
  • Student Council also has members on Comhairle Na nÓg, National Executive and National Student Executive.


How will the Student Council benefit me?

  • It teaches its members necessary life skills, such as organisation, communication and teamwork.
  • It is a way to get involved and change various issues around the school that bother students.
  • It shows future employers that you have initiative and are capable of taking on a role with responsibility.
  • It helps to improve confidence and to be comfortable when voicing your opinions.
  • It will give you the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference to other students lives.