Leaving Cert Reform Survey

November 8, 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please see the message below from the National Parents Council (Post-Primary)

Post Primary education is changing in Ireland. For a number of years now discussions amongst educators have questioned the current format of the two-year Leaving Certificate programme and how it prepares students for future study, career and life.
The changes brought about to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic forced all partners in education to look at alternative systems of learning, teaching and assessment.

The Senior Cycle is currently itself being assessed and consultations have begun to ascertain how fit for purpose the current model is, how well it serves our post primary students on their education journey and how it might change in the future.

NPCPP represents and advocates for post primary parents at the current discussions and consultations and we want to make sure ALL parents of post primary students can share their thoughts, suggestions and concerns to help to inform our representations.
As consultations progress this short 4 minute NPCPP survey on the Leaving Certificate is one of a series which we hope you will take the time to complete.
