Malahide CS Christmas Market

December 17, 2021

Yesterday’s Christmas Market in Malahide CS kicked off the Festive season with a bang.
All students had an opportunity to visit the market over the course of the day.
On offer were a large variety of home baked goods, hand-made cards, toasted sandwiches and a variety of items for sale by the TY Mini-companies.
Santa was there to make sure everything went to plan and carol singers entertained everyone during the day.

The beneficiary of the funds raised is FOCUS Ireland and between the market and the Christmas hands appeal, over €5,500 will now be sent to this extremely worthy cause.

A big thank you to everyone (staff and students) who baked for the market and especially to the TY’s who have worked so hard to put this together.
Huge credit and massive thanks to Ms. McGuire who dreamed up this challenging idea and worked tirelessly to bring it to life.

Here is a link to a short video to show you how it all looked just before it started:

Please have a look at the gallery of photos from the event and hopefully this was the first of many Christmas markets and that next year parents will also be able to come and visit.