NB Wed. 8th March / Annual TY Infomation Night and 5th Year Subject Options Night
March 2, 2023
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s) and Students,
We hope that you are all keeping well.
Our Annual Talks for 3rd Year and TY Parents / Guardians will take place next week as follows:
Wednesday, 8th March, 2023:
19.00 – 19.45: Information Talk for 3rd Year Parents / Guardians regarding the Transition Year Modules.
Our TY Programme Coordinator will make a presentation to 3rd Year Parents / Guardians about the merits of Transition Year and about the wide range of TY activities and modules on offer.
20.00 – 20.45: Information Talk for TY Parents / Guardians regarding 5th Year Subject Options.
Our Guidance Dept. will make a presentation about 5th Year Subject Options and about specific subject requirements for various Third Level Institutions.
The Closing Date for submitting Subject Option preferences on VSware will be Wednesday, 15th March, and our Guidance Dept. will explain the process for this on the night.
Senior Management and 5th Year Subject Teachers will also be available to answer questions on the night, after the presentations.
Both presentations are very important and we strongly recommend that you attend on the night.
Kind regards,