November Assessment Term Report

December 3, 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,
We know that you are all waiting for the Nov Assessment report with great anticipation.

VSware have just completely relaunched the way that reports are inputted and recorded by teachers on their system.
This has resulted in unforeseen complications, outages and multiple technical difficulties which has greatly delayed what is usually a straightforward system.
We had hoped that the reports would be available earlier this week but that has not been possible unfortunately.

Please note that 3rd and 6th Year reports will be made available to parents on Monday 6th December
Reports for all other years (including a progress, comment only report for Transition Years) will be made available to parents on Friday 10th December.

Reports are accessible via the ‘Assessment’ tab for your son/daughter on VSware (VSware is accessible via a link on the app or the url:

We want to thank you for your patience in this regard. MCS