RE: Reasonable Accommodation for Junior Cycle Examinations, 2023.
April 8, 2022
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),
Ms Carolan, Co-ordinator of SEN, would like to bring to your attention that students who currently wish to apply for Special Accommodations in the Junior Cycle Examinations, 2023, for their son/daughter, can email her by Wednesday, 13th of April, 2022, at the latest, as the process will start after Easter.
The granting of a RACE accommodation by the SEC applies to those students with a learning difficulty or with a physical difficulty which may affect their exam performance e.g. students with a visual impairment may need enlarged exam papers. The granting of a RACE accommodation is subject to students meeting certain criteria, as laid out by the SEC. The criteria are available online at .
To read the criteria, click on ‘Schools’ on the left hand side of the page. A drop down menu called ‘Circular’ will appear. Click on ‘Superintendents, Examinations, Examination Aides.’ Scroll down to ‘RACE: Guide for Students 2022’. Guidelines remain similar from year to year.
In-school testing by our own SEN Department will take place after Easter and at the start of the next academic year, in order to establish eligibility for the various accommodations e.g. access to a Reader; a spelling, grammar and punctuation waiver, etc. If you wish to apply for special accommodation on your son or daughter’s behalf. and in order to give your permission for testing, please email Ms. Carolan, at the following email address: , as soon as possible. Applications for RACE will then be made to the Department of Education.
Please include the following information in your email: student name, tutor group, stating ‘I wish to apply for Special Accommodation in Junior Cycle, 2023 on behalf of the above candidate’ .
Yours faithfully,
Rosaleen Carolan (SEN Coordinator).