Schoology Basics for Parents

January 15, 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian,
As we reach the end of our first full week of Remote Learning in 2021, we would like to thank all our students and their families for the fantastic engagement in all aspects of learning this week in difficult circumstances.

As you already know, Schoology is our main Learning Management System and is our ‘hub’ for all aspects of remote learning. To support families, please see the attached short document which outlines some features of Schoology and how you can support your son/daughter to keep up with their learning remotely.
It includes how to login to Schoology (can be done on multiple devices simultaneously), finding resources, checking homework, logging into online ‘live’ classes.

link to Google Doc:

We hope you find it useful.
We hope you and your families have a restful weekend and we’ll be back online on Monday!

Regards, MCS
