Posts by Malahide School

Summer Spanish Course for Junior Cycle students

Dear Parent/Guardian, Ms. Barkey will be running a ‘Back to Basics’ Spanish course for Junior students between Monday 28th June...

Out of Stock tracksuit sizes

Out of Stock tracksuit sizes

Dear parents/guardians Due to unexpected demand since school re-opened, we are now out of stock of the following tracksuit sizes....

Amber Flag for Positive Mental Health

Dear Parent/Guardian, Huge Congratulations to the Student Wellbeing Committee who have earned the Amber flag from Pieta House in recognition...

Another ‘back stage’ clip

The show is progressing really well, here is another sneak peek at one of the big numbers…. “You’re The One...

More prize winners!

Congratulations to more of our amazing students who have won another prize, this time for poetry. Two 3rd year students,...

Another Road Closure

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find attached letter notification for a further upcoming road closure on the Back Road between R124 /...



The Parents Association are running their now Annual Student Photography Competition. There is no entry fee. You can submit up...

Prize winner!

One of our fantastic TY students receiving her prize from Sinead Fox Environmental Awareness & Climate Action Department, Fingal County...

Summer Camp – Learn to Code

Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find below details of a summer camp your son/daughter may be interested in: Learn to code from...

Sunscreen for Sunny Days in MCS

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s), Given the lovely weather we are enjoying – and long may it last! – our students...