NB 6th Years / Important LC Exams Information
February 4, 2022
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s) and Students,
Apologies for this late evening notification. Please read 1- 6 here:
1. RE: Leaving Certificate State Exams, 2022:
At an ACCS meeting this afternoon, it was confirmed to us that the Leaving Certificate papers in June will mirror the extra concessions allocated in the LC 2021 papers – e.g. for LC English Paper 2 at Higher Level, students will attempt two sections out of the Poetry, Single Text and Comparative sections, rather than having to attempt all three sections. A technical document will issue from the Dept. of Education next week with regards to same.
2. RE: Mock Exams, February, 2022:
We were also advised that the Mock Exams, if at all possible, should reflect these concessions. This would ensure that the Mock Exams will reflect the real Leaving Certificate 2022, more fully. It will reduce the stress that many students are feeling and allow them to focus on particular areas in each course.
The Mock Exam companies have indicated that they have had queries from a number of schools about this issue, and that they are able to adjust and facilitate the corrections, based on the LC 2021 marking schemes.
3. RE: Monday, 7th February, 2022:
We have consulted with the relevant Subject Departments for Monday’s Mock Exams and their consensus is that students are to complete the Mock Papers in keeping with the LC 2021 concessions / structures, etc. These Subject Depts. communicated this to their students this afternoon.
Examples of the layout of the LC 2021 Exam Papers for Monday’s subjects are available at: https://www.examinations.ie/exammaterialarchive/
Again, a comprehensive technical document will issue from the Dept. of Education next week with regards to the LC 2022 State Exams.
4. RE: Tuesday, 8th February, 2022 onwards:
For Mock Exams taking place on Tuesday and thereafter, teachers will communicate their Subject Department’s decision regarding their Mock Exam, to their students, via Schoology: i.e. the Subject Department will either ask students to complete the entire Mock paper as per the changes to the LC 2021 Papers, or to complete the Mock paper as per the preparations they made for LC 2022, prior to the Minister’s recent announcement regarding the additional concessions. Students are asked to comply with their teacher’s instructions.
Students are also asked to check their Schoology accounts regularly for any further updates from their Subject Teachers.
5. RE: Timetables / Rules / Uniform requirements for the Mock Exams:
Students have received the Exam Timetable and the Rules which apply when undertaking their Mock Exams. It is important that the Mock Exam environment is as close to the real State Exam environment as possible. We respectfully request your continued support in maintaining uniform standards in our school.
As per our App message to 6th Year Parents / Guardians on Tuesday 18th January, all students MUST wear full school uniform for the duration of their Mock Exams.
Students must attend in full school uniform, including when coming to and going home from school. Only the following uniform items are permitted in the Exams venue:
School hoodie
School jumper
School skirt
School tracksuit bottoms
Grey trousers
School jacket
Students are permitted to layer up under these uniform items, in order to keep warm.
6. RE: Covid-19 arrangements:
Where there is a CONFIRMED Case of Covid-19, OR where a candidate has been officially advised by the HSE to restrict their movement due to being a Close Contact of a CONFIRMED Covid-19 case, and where you wish your son / daughter to complete a written Mock Exam paper, the school will endeavour to facilitate this.
However, you MUST comply with the following procedure:
You MUST notify the Main Office in writing with the exact days / dates and exam subjects concerned.
You MUST cc your Year Head, Ms Browne, into this email.
The written Mock Exam paper will only be available AFTER the conclusion of the exam session.
Papers are expected to be completed under Strict Parental Supervision ONLY.
Completed Mock Exam papers and ALL materials must be returned to the Main Office only, as soon as possible, in order to facilitate the marking process.
Again, your support with this is greatly appreciated.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our 6th Years every success in their Mock Exams.
Kind regards,