NB Update from the Principal, David Hayes
February 5, 2021
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s),
I hope this communication finds you and your families safe and well. I wanted to thank you all for the incredible support and the positive feedback you have given the School community during this challenging time. The School is very appreciative of the kind words, the praise where deserved, and the constructive feedback where necessary.
While there has been consistent communication with the School, complimenting the delivery of Remote Teaching and Learning, some of these communications have also included concerns about the amount of time students are spending on their devices and, for some Year Groups, concerns around the workload being asked of students.
As we move into our second month of Remote Teaching and Learning, I believe, therefore, that it is timely that we survey staff, students and parents/guardians about the experience to date. I would hope to send out a survey, via this App, early next week and I would appreciate it if every parent/guardian could complete it.
In light of the above concerns, the survey will also ask parents and guardians to consider the idea of ‘Well-being afternoons’ and ‘no homework days’, perhaps once per fortnight. This would allow some students to catch up where necessary, but it would also allow time for personal development and well-being.
Furthermore, following consultation with the Parents’ Association, we are planning on holding our first Well-being afternoon on Tuesday, 9th February. If successful, and if the idea is supported by the School community, we may then plan for such days, as previously outlined.
There will also be a further communication following this message, where we will outline upcoming talks / workshops for both students and parents/guardians. We will be inviting parents/guardians of First, Second and Third Year students to a presentation by Monica Rowe on Wednesday, 9th February at 19:30 (details to follow).
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish our whole School community a relaxing and safe weekend.
Kind regards,
David Hayes.